Tel: 01243 964 961 or 07971 527131 Email:

Welcome to Better Quality Management Systems (QMS)

Better QMS is an independent organisation that provides value for money in supporting clients to achieve UKAS accredited ISO certification..

Welcome to Better Quality Management Systems (QMS)

Better QMS helps clients to achieve UKAS accredited ISO certification

Our consultants are Lead Auditors with experience in managing UKAS assessment in line with ISO 17021 series conformity, including certification activities, witness and operational internal auditing of accredited Certification Bodies.  We are experienced in implementing single, combined and integrated management systems for ISO certifications, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 within a broad range of industry sectors.

Whether you are small or large organisation, we can help develop and implement your ISO management system to achieve and maintain ISO certification, whilst also providing advice, guidance and tailored support to guide you through the process.

Online Management Systems

We can support our clients with the provision of a secure online integrated management system, maintained by us on behalf of the client.  Multiple standards can be used to either integrate or combine ISO standards, including relevant industry sector standards or approved codes of practice.  Our online system may also include non-conformance reporting, document control, training and awareness, with particular focus on operations and performance evaluation.

Who We Are

Better QMS is an ISO Consultancy which provides ISO management consultancy services for the delivery of various management systems, which includes the development of documentation, gap analysis and audit support for a range of standards.  This includes onsite and remote support designed to help you achieve ISO certification, maintain certification or provide support so that you just maximise your certification experience.  This is achieved through tailoring our approach to meet your business requirements.

Our auditors have extensive expertise in developing management systems and in achieving ISO certification, for a variety of industry sectors, including public and private organisations.

We can simplify what can be a complex subject matter, for organisations that wish to demonstrate awareness of relevant industry standards, capture current activities and improve their competitive edge in support of the bottom line.  We also offer training courses to cover the adaptation and implementation of management systems, performance improvement and management development with a practical approach to raising organisation awareness and the internal audit process.

Affiliation & Support

Better QMS is a member of the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, Chichester Chamber of Commerce and is an associate of various certification bodies associate consultancy and network programmes.

Quality Management - ISO 9001

ISO 9001 helps organisations deliver effective management of their business and services, focussed on meeting the customer’s requirements within appropriate legislative frameworks.  This standard helps companies focus on customer satisfaction, improvement of service delivery and promotes a quality managed approach as standard business practice.

The standard is designed to promote understanding in the application of risk-based thinking and sets out to help you understand current requirements and the future needs and expectations of customers and other interested parties in dynamic and varying environments.

ISO 9001:2015 /Amd 1:2024

Climate action considerations should now be implemented to determine whether climate action change is a relevant issue, and this includes review of the requirements for interested parties.

Environmental Management - ISO 14001

As with the quality standard, ISO 14001:2015 has a greater emphasis on performance and applies the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle at all levels of an organization.  The latest structure of the standard can be integrated into any system with other ISO or industry standards and helps organisations improve environmental performance.  The standard promotes effective environmental management, influences organisation behaviour and provides an iterative process to achieve continual improvement, develop awareness of legal frameworks, governance and environmental culture.

A key requirement of the standard is to identify the lifecycle perspective, especially within manufacturing and service based organizations.  We can help create focused action plans to aid implementation of the lifecycle perspective, aspects and impacts in the workplace.

ISO 14001:2015 /Amd 1:2024

Climate action considerations should now be implemented to determine whether climate action change is a relevant issue, and this includes review of the requirements for interested parties.

Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) - ISO 45001

ISO 45001:2018 is the lates international standard for the managing Occupational Health and Safety systems.  This standard supersedes OHSAS 18001:2007 and provides an improved framework for integrating into existing standards, utilising Annex SL format, of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC Directives.  The standard still focuses on identifying hazards, OH&S risks to be managed, plus greater emphasis on leadership, management and non-management consultation and participation with the workforce.

ISO 45003:2020 has been developed to provide guidance on monitoring wellbeing in the workplace through managing psychosocial risk within an OH&S management system based on ISO 45001.

ISO 45001:2018 /Amd 1:2024

Climate action considerations should now be implemented to determine whether climate action change is a relevant issue, and this includes review of the requirements for interested parties.

Information Security Management - ISO 27001

ISO 27001 provides an overview of information security management systems and the controls to monitor, evaluate and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information security safeguards.  The selection and implementation of controls should be documented within a Statement of Applicability (SoA).  The statement assists with defining the protection of all forms of information, from data storage to computer servers, PC’s, company noticeboards, mobile devices and even post-it notes, balancing the investment versus controls against losing sensitive and client related information.

The SoA maintains documented security controls and may also be extended to include controls for ISO 27701 – Privacy information management requirements, ISO 27017 – Code of practice for cloud services, or ISO 27018 – Code of practice for personal identifiable information (PII) in public clouds.

ISO 27001:2022 Transition

There are some steps which you will have to follow to transfer your current ISO 27001 to the new ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard, and this includes the necessary completing updates which can be achieved through Gap Analysis. 

As of 31/10/2025, all certificates to ISO 27001: 2013/2017 will no longer be valid.

ISO 27001:2022 /Amd 1:2024

Climate action considerations should now be implemented to determine whether climate action change is a relevant issue, and this includes review of the requirements for interested parties.

Business Continuity Management - ISO 22301

ISO 22301 for societal security and business continuity management systems outlines the requirements needed to develop organisational capacity and resilience in recovering from disruptive incidents to which they might be subjected.  This includes the wider community and the impact of the organisation’s business environment.

ISO 22301:2019 Transition

ISO 22301:2019 places greater emphasis on exercising and testing, which is always problematic in a busy workplace.  The transition period to replace ISO 22301:2012 was extended, and now ends in April 2023.

ISO 22301:2018 /Amd 1:2024

Climate action considerations should now be implemented to determine whether climate action change is a relevant issue, and this includes review of the requirements for interested parties.


ISO 50001 for energy management systems will help your business establish industry best practices in energy efficiency, through improving performance and reducing consumption.  The standard is designed to help reduce operating costs, protect the environment and promote an organisation’s credentials.  This can give you a distinct competitive advantage because the ISO 50001 certificate demonstrates to customers and other stakeholders, that your business is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce its environmental impact.

ISO 50001:2018 /Amd 1:2024

Climate action considerations should now be implemented to determine whether climate action change is a relevant issue, and this includes review of the requirements for interested parties.


Tel: 01243 964 961 Email:

5 Rushy Mead, West Broyle, Chichester, PO19 3FW, United Kingdom.